Avís legal


Business Entity: Ferran Santiago
NIF: 44009619Q
Registered Office: Carrer Mar Jónica 7
Location: Badalona
Province: Barcelona
Postal Code: 08918
Email Address: ferransancreacions@gmail.com

Intellectual property
The content of this site, including its texts, pictures and designs, are covered by intellectual property rights pertaining to Ferran Santiago or to third parties that have authorised their use. Ferran Santiago presents such content for the purpose of providing information and offering services. In general, and unless expressly stated otherwise, the site content can be reproduced, distributed and disseminated publicly as long as this is done without commercial intent and for the purposes inherent to the website.

Information privacy

Ferran Santiago deems that at the time of filling in the data-gathering forms included in the website users consider themselves to be sufficiently informed of the purposes of gathering their personal particulars and subsequent processing thereof. Except if expressly stated otherwise, such data will be integrated into the files of Ferran Santiago for processing thereof for the purposes stated in each case. Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation by contacting Ferran Santiago by any means. Further information can be obtained about criteria and measures concerning data processing by contacting Ferran Santiago at the address shown at the beginning of this notice.

Ferran Santiago also informs that the data contained in the lists of companies and entities shown on this website were provided by the companies or entities themselves, or obtained from freely accessible public lists; in this case, Ferran Santiago cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of the data contained on the website itself.

Ferran San Creacions ©2025 Tots els drets reservats